Ascended Masters Oracle

Three benevolent Ascended Masters appear to help you on your journey. Allow them to provide sage instruction through words of wisdom.

The cards are intended to be read – past, present and future, in that order. However, you can interpret them in any way that you choose.

Ascended Masters


Embodied archetype of healing, anchors the Emerald Green and Orange Rays in his etheric retreat over Crete. His verdant light gives wellness, revives the soul, and inspires seekers to hone holistic knowledge in service to all life. Prioritise self-care.

Holistic | Wellness | Revives
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Using the Golden Ray, he guides seekers to self-realisation and divine attunement. Revered for eternal youth, he inspires growth through the evolutionary power of divine love and higher consciousness alignment. Aim for the highest good.

Highest | Love | Attunement
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Lord El Morya

Adept of the Blue Ray, trains aspirants in strength, courage and alignment with divine will. From the etheric citadel of Darjeeling, he forges souls with the power to stand firmly in truth regardless of earthly turmoil and instability. Speak out boldly.

Will | Power | Alignment

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