Welcome to The Infinity Oracle. This is a combination of five powerful Oracle decks, giving over one hundred and three quadrillion possible permutations. It would take several lifetimes to see them all. The cards have already been dealt, you just need to scroll down to see them. You can read the cards as follows:

  • The Archangel card is first and expresses the overall energies.
  • The Divinity card calls you to action.
  • The Ascended Master card is next and this provides a sage piece of wisdom.
  • The Dragon card follows providing inspiration.
  • The Light card illuminates the way ahead.
  • The Dark card reveals the Shadow.
  • The Crystal card recommends a crystal to work with.
  • The Spirit Animal card ends the reading on a supportive note. 

If you wish to deal the cards again, click on the button at the bottom of the page. You can also deal two extra cards by using the navigation arrows (or by swiping right and left on mobile devices) on each individual card. If you would prefer to use the decks individually, then click on the images above or navigate to them through the menu at the top of the page.

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