Birds Of Prey
Realm: Spiritual
Archetype: The Rebel
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Crystal: Chrysolite
A bold huntress stands fearless upon a misty bridge, hawks perched on her outstretched arms. She wears a dazzling sequin dress that catches the pale dawn light, fabric dramatically wrapping her lithe frame. Though the sharp talons could shred her flesh, she handles the birds with ease. A mystical bond exists between them, their piercing gaze equally ruthless.
Make no mistake, she is dangerous to some. Her beauty may captivate but woe befalls those that act as prey. Weakness and timidity isn’t tolerated in her presence. She despises and pities those that are enslaved to the opinions of others. She is not here to people-please. She is here to live life outrageously and on her own terms. With her keen sense of vision, she sees past facades and pretensions. She sees the big picture and the minute details that would usually be missed.
This card calls you to oppose the confines of rigid codes and empty conventions. Freedom cannot be contained by following the expectations of others. We must fiercely guards our sovereignty, bowing before no earthly power. Rebellion serves a higher cause – to shatter calcified mindsets and shake awake those slumbering through lives of reflexive conformity. Allow yourself to wander, follow your visions across borders and boundaries. Reject limitation and explore uncharted lands within and without. Life is a grand adventure or nothing at all. Inspire others to embark on a personal voyage of discovery, beyond the safe harbours of convention. Let your riotous laughter open closed minds.
When we channel primal life force, it is a vibrational accelerant for the evolutionary impulse. Operating through intuition, trusting our inner nudges, we become unbound by linear rationality. We develop lightning reflexes, with the ability to turn and pivot at will. Acting bravely on instinctual knowledge that arrives whole. Our energy stimulates rapid transformation, catalysing breakthroughs and sudden revelations. Negativity and toxicity flee before us. This is a call to become ungovernable. Allow no one to dim your fire. Strike out and be bold. Fly free.