The first book by J.J. Flanagan “42: A Puppet Show For Angels” is a manual of sorts for those interested in spirituality. However, it isn’t the standard boring preachy bit of prose full of diktats and dogma. It’s a blend of storytelling, factual information and deliciously devilish hits of comedy. There is no light without the dark, right? It’s the impishness, playfulness and downright silliness at times that really sets this apart from other drier works. That’s not to say that there aren’t serious chapters. There are. It’s important to have a counter-balance to all that tomfoolery. The jester always needs a foil. Otherwise he’d just be telling jokes to himself which would be no fun at all and a sign of madness. We are, of course, all a little mad. That is the planet that we’re living on right now. And it’s OK to go crazy sometimes, our sanity often depends on it. It is the interplay between seemingly oppositional forces that really makes this work shine… or is it play? I don’t know! Playwork then or workplay. It depends on what perspective you’re looking from. I’ve uploaded this book so that you can download it in PDF form (or have you downloaded it so that I could upload it in the first place?). I’m not quite sure how the Divine Plan operates but I know that time is just an illusion, lunchtime doubly so. That being said, I’ll leave you with a question: “What is six times nine?”.


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