Alien Sound by Stealth Tactic

Where would we be without music? If there was no sound, the Universe would be a dark place indeed. In fact, I dare say that it wouldn’t exist at all. The big bang: the first great scream into the void. All matter was created in that instant. We could argue about whether that event actually happened. I don’t know. I wasn’t there. Well, I was and so were you but not in human form. The remnants of that moment make up our bodies. It’s in our DNA: the data storage device that contains several hundred petabytes in a single gram. That’s the equivalent of forty two billion songs.

Do you remember working out all of the fiddly bits on the galaxies? The Sagittarius Arm on the Milky Way was challenging, I can tell you. All of those quantised details on the Earth. Not this version of Earth though. The one that had Darth Vader saying: “Luke, I am your father”. The mind is a mandala for the Mandela effect. But isn’t it beautiful? The great celestial chorus of worlds. It was fun figuring out how to make binary pulsars spiral inwards toward each other, dancing at seven hundred beats per second. Stellar gabba techno. Throwing furious geometric shapes of creation.

Download Alien Sound now for free or you can make a donation through Paypal. The album has been recorded in 432hz as an experiment to see if the music sounds better that way. It’s a mixture of laidback instrumental dance music with funky bits, acid squelches, jazzy noodles, bright and breezy retro eighties moments with dark and nasty futuristic bass – it’s a proper cosmic journey. 

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