Spirit Animals


Peaceful jungle dweller, with savvy knowing eyes of wisdom and connection to nature. Lead us to nurture solitary insight and compassionate bonds. Teach us the patience to reflect before acting,

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Playful acrobat, spinning with humour and mischief through canopies. Your insatiable curiosity leads to daring leaps of faith. Reminding us to be light-hearted, sociable, spontaneous. You nudge us to take

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King of beasts, with flowing mane and thunderous roar, you awaken courage within. Teach the wisdom of community, to lead with compassion, and stand guard over loved ones. Guide to

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Hunter cloaked in dappled shadow, keen instinct guides your fluid poise. With cunning patience you teach us focus, solitude, and fierce protection of our vision. Your spirit marks our souls

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Placid climber, curled in eucalyptus branches, you teach us to pace ourselves amidst busy treetops. With cozy wisdom and discerning taste you show us to choose comfort and conserve our

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Bounding through the open plains, strong legs propelling giant leaps. Nurturing joey safe in your pouch, you exemplify care and community. Lead us to take great strides, stand tall in

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Prowling the jungle’s dark edge, coat glistening like emerald rain. Powerful warrior, you teach stealth, patience, and fierce protection of all we hold dear. With sure footsteps you guide  souls

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Darting sunbeam, joyful pixie floating on shimmering wings. With tireless zeal you sip sweet nectar, reminding us to embrace the present, find wonder, and value life’s fleeting gifts. Tiny messenger,

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Regal steed galloping wild and free, symbol of power and grace. Thundering hooves charge ahead unfettered, carrying spirit swift over rolling plains of possibility. Awaken inner strength and connection to

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Soaring on high, the hawk sees with keen sight, calling us to elevate our vision. This powerful spirit guide urges: trust your instincts, embrace clarity, be aware. Navigating with precision,

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