I first came across this wonderful new invention in early 2021 and for months I wanted to try it out. I was champing at the bit to get going with it but there was always an excuse around why I shouldn’t go. It was too far, it was too expensive to get there, I wasn’t ready and so on. I’d put up unnecessary barriers to prevent my own healing. As luck would have it, the Universe gave me a big kick up the backside when I was brought together with a group of individuals interested in cutting-edge healing technologies down in Hampshire in the UK. I talked about the Harmonic Egg and what it could do without having experienced it for myself. Even though I was passionate about the device, I couldn’t really accurately put into words what it was all about. It was time to put up or shut up. This propelled me to take a trip to Chester soon after to be met by Marie, the wonderful open-hearted owner and operator of one of the many chambers that are dotted around the world. She’d prepared me well in advance with guidance around what I should do after the session but, still, I hadn’t anticipated the results that I received. It was remarkable. I was floored when I first saw the Harmonic Egg in all its glory. The sheer scale of it, the beautiful elegant design and the amazing energy in the room where it was situated moved me to tears.The Harmonic Egg is a sound and light healing chamber made mostly from wood and built with sacred geometric proportions. It has an extremely low technological imprint, with a coloured light at the top and the bottom and two speakers at either side. This is by design, to keep the EMF signature low. A seat is positioned in the centre, which can be set to a comfortable reclining posture. The entire structure feels so delicate but appearances are deceiving, it’s stunningly powerful.When I got into the Harmonic Egg, I felt immediately at ease. Destiny was calling and I’d finally answered. I had a lovely chat with Marie beforehand where we traded stories about how we’d been guided to the marvellous mechanism, it seemed that tragedy and synchronicity had led us both to where we were. I knew that I was in totally the right place at the right time. Yet, as I lay in the seat and closed my eyes and the programme began, the doubts crept in. What if I wouldn’t enjoy the sounds? What if the chamber did nothing? What if I had an unpleasant experience for the fifty minutes inside?Soon, my insecurities were dispelled, as I was bathed in the glorious light and the music started to swell. The sublime frequencies permeating through my body were of such a depth and richness that I was shocked by their range and loveliness. Almost immediately, the familiar geometries and pulses of energy that I’d experienced before in healing sessions appeared in my mind’s-eye, however, this time it was different, it was far more intense. I wasn’t prepared for the magnitude of the vitality that was coursing through my body and I was stunned by how fast the shapes and pulses would appear and disappear in my imagination. I couldn’t grasp at them to see what they were, I tried to make sense out of all the information flowing in but I couldn’t hold onto it. I had to let go.After I did this, I fell into a relaxed state, a broad smile spread across my face. I’d found what I was looking for. This was the real deal. I started enjoying the adventure for what it was, a supremely profound, visionary and nurturing experience. As the supernal energies ran through my system, I felt at peace, comforted in the knowledge that I was being well cared for in this unique and uncanny womb-like structure. Many men spend their first nine months trying to get out of the womb and the rest of their lives trying to get back in. This is the closest thing to achieving that lofty ambition and, as the potent endogenous hallucinogenic Dimethyltryptamine, known as the spirit molecule, is produced in massive quantities during birth, sex and death, the Harmonic Egg simulates this occurrence to a tee. It felt like I was being reborn.The music cut off at the forty minute mark and I was plunged into absolute silence for ten minutes. This was an incredibly blissful experience, as the energy, rather than backing off, continued to circulate within the chamber and throughout my body. The visions continued at a pace for the remainder of the session, finally subsiding just as the hatch to the incredible device was opened by Marie, who welcomed me back to the world with a smile.“How was it for you?”, was a question that I found hard to answer. I was in awe at this stage and the connection between brain and mouth had been briefly severed. It took a few moments before I could exclaim enthusiastic words of affirmation and wonder. I couldn’t express my gratitude strongly enough for the mind-blowing numinous escapade into the depths of my own consciousness. After a brief heart-to-heart, along with a delicious electrolyte-boosting drink, we parted company and I was back on my way to my countryside hideout in Pickering.Once home, the next few days were spent in semi-convalescence, as I allowed the energies to integrate. My behind became glued to the sofa. This continued until the third day afterwards, when I woke up for the first time in a decade with an overwhelming feeling of wellbeing and joy. I suddenly felt hopeful and with a new-found sense of purpose; this has remained with me ever since. Along with this came a torrent of epiphanies and increased synchronicities, which led me to even more discoveries. I’d been levelled up.A few weeks later and I treated myself to a distance healing session in one of the Harmonic Eggs in America. I’d recommended that a friend, Kary, try it out in Cabot, Arkansas, and when she came back with glowing reviews, I knew I had to see what the effect of not physically being there would have on the energy output. It was still off the charts and was almost as intense as before, albeit slightly attenuated. I was reliably informed by the warm and generous Kim, who runs the centre in Cabot, that this varies from person to person and that sometimes the distance sessions are even more potent! I suspect that, had it been more elevated for me personally, it would’ve fried my circuits. So, I received exactly what was needed and I now know that I needn’t always have to travel to experience a healing session, I can do it from the comfort of my living room.I would, however, go once again to Chester at a later date, taking Chris, a wonderful friend and companion on my adventures. His response to the Harmonic Egg was profound. He came out a visibly changed man. I’ve always known him to be a bundle of frenetic energy, something that I admired. The treatment, however, settled him right down and has increased his clarity and focus. He hasn’t been quite the same since.There are now approximately one hundred locations around the world with the Harmonic Egg and they are expanding rapidly. If you feel called to experience what it has to offer, then head on over to your nearest centre. Please note that every experience will be different, depending on where you are in your healing journey. Some people will go on full-blown mystical adventures, whilst others may just have a pleasant relaxing fifty minutes. The same is true for the curative effects of the process, which are also wide-ranging. For me, personally, it has removed another layer of trauma and has provided additional mental clarity. Some new skills and abilities have been gained and it has increased some existing ones. It is for these reasons that I would highly recommend the Harmonic Egg to anyone. This technology is a game-changer.Excerpt from the book “From Darkness Into The Light“.