It seems that synchronicity is throwing lots of technology my way in order to assist in personal transformation and healing. Theraphi is one of the most amazing pieces of healing equipment that I’ve come across. It was depicted on ancient Egyptian carvings and is thus a rediscovery of technology buried in the distant past. Theraphi creates a powerful double conjugate plasma light and infrasound bioactive field. In other words, it’s a light and sound frequency healing device but it can do so much more. It is negentropic, meaning that it reduces entropy, restoring order to chaos. The effect of using the system is strongly anti-inflammatory, reducing swelling, cyst and tumour growth. It’s the electrical opposite of cancer, which means that it has huge benefits in the field of healthcare and its design will factor immensely in the future of treatment. Another aspect is that it drains the cortisol from the body, creating a feeling of deep relaxation, and therefore stress-related illnesses can be dealt with using this marvellous tool. One session with the Theraphi can engender acceleration of the metabolism, circulation and increase the senses. It also can provide a feeling of energisation, bliss and euphoria.I was drawn to this therapy due to my investigations into water. One of the devices that I’d seen called the “WoLF Vortex Water Treatment Technology” was using pulsed plasma light to purify our most precious living crystalline substance. A friend also mentioned that the sun was kicking out bursts of plasma at a higher rate providing an acceleration of our evolution and healing the planet. With this piece of information, I was able to put two and two together; I just had to have a session on the Theraphi.So, with that, I booked my trip down to London to see Marcio, the owner of the device. It seems that my aversion to travel has been well and truly conquered, as in the last few months I’ve been all over England from north to south, east to west and back again. I caught the train and got to the office in Soho well-ahead of time and had an hour to kill before the treatment. I walked around the area admiring the quaintness of the restaurants and street food vendors, immersed in the hustle and bustle of the metropolis. The capital has disturbed me in recent times but I’m starting to enjoy the contrast between the sweeping idyllic landscapes of North Yorkshire and the hive of activity that is The Big Smoke.The wonderfully effervescent Marcio greeted me in the lobby of the office block on Charlotte Street and took me up to a small room on the second floor. I immediately felt at ease in his presence and was soon telling him about my reasons for being there, recounting all of the dramas and synchronicities that had brought me to him. He offered a few words of advice about how to get rid of the issues of the past that have been plaguing me, along with an energetic retrieval meditation exercise to be performed during the treatment.My eye kept being drawn to the Theraphi, which to the unenlightened would appear to be two light bulbs mounted on wooden stands hooked up together. This doesn’t do it justice as it’s a really beautiful design, almost with a steampunk feel about it, yet there’s an elegance and delicacy to it. When I hopped onto the treatment table, I knew that I was in for another special voyage into my own consciousness. The lights were dimmed, gentle music was put on, a small towel was placed over my eyes and scented holy oil that had been blessed by a Buddhist monk was splashed over me.As the Theraphi was fired up, golden thread-like filaments appeared in my third-eye. I almost chuckled, as the vision resembled the popular plasma ball lamps from the eighties. I could feel the delicious energy flowing up through my feet and down through my crown, images and colours swirled in my mind’s-eye. Faces appeared, then disappeared, my thoughts tumbled and crashed into one another. For some reason, I was struggling to settle, even though the sensations were pleasing and the music beatific. I was trying too hard to analyse and mentally document the experience rather than to give in to it. At around the twenty minute mark, I thought that my time was up, however, it continued. I let out a huge sigh of relief, it was the cue that Marcio had been waiting for, the sign that my mind had finally given up all of the overthinking and let go. The remaining moments were spent in a state of deep relaxation, I felt completely at peace.When I got up off the table, I had lost the use of most of my faculties but I felt curiously unburdened, like a weight had been lifted. Marcio and I chatted for a while afterwards, I was enjoying the conversation immensely and the moments flashed by until it was time for me to leave to catch my train. As I went to pick up my belongings, I dropped my mobile phone and my keys on the floor. I could see that my coordination had been temporarily impacted and that I was operating on a different mode. Marcio warned me to pay particular attention when crossing roads, as I was likely to be spaced-out for some time. We hugged and said a warm goodbye and I was thrust back out onto the streets of London. The lights seemed brighter and everything felt renewed and more alive. I put my music on and walked all the way from Soho to Kings Cross in a dream. I had to really focus on the roads and the human traffic to avoid unnecessary collisions, however, I trusted that I would simply follow the flow of energy and it would be fine. When I reached the station, I’d regained most of my awareness and grabbed some sushi and settled down on a seat to read a book whilst I waited for my train. The journey back flew by, and as I tossed open the front door to my home I sensed a sudden rush of energy. I felt blissful, euphoric, totally focused. The next few days were spent with a renewed sense of passion and vitality. The Theraphi is epic!I would learn later that the Theraphi could be used for propagation, improving germination rates and increasing the health of plants. I was pleased to hear that another device called the Aquaphi was due for release that will have a cleansing and activating effect on water. Quantaphi, a smaller and less expensive version of Theraphi focusing on sound is also available. It is powered by Tesla coils, no less. There are even those eighties plasma ball lamps as extras to go with it making the system look playful. This technology, rooted in the past and brought into the present, will become important as we sent up conscious communities around the globe.Excerpt from the book “From Darkness Into The Light“.